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Maths Aplets HP Aplets Misc Aplets The First 50 Science Aplets

Being interested in programming (and obviously having too much time on my hands),  I have written a number of aplets for use on HP calculators. Fortunately so have HP and a (very) few other people and you can find all these programs and aplets on the pages on the left.

These aplets are stored as ZIP files and all contain documentation (including student worksheets in some cases). Read the documentation! A zip file is the same as a Windows compressed folder - if you are still not sure what this is then talk to someone who does and can explain to you how to extract the files they contain. You can't download them to the calculator until they've been extracted. Windows will let you view them as if the file was a normal Windows folder BUT the Connectivity software used to transfer them to the calculator can't do that - they must be extracted first.

You can download any of these apLets and programs and use them free of charge. There are, however, some conditions on this. See the bottom of this page.

If you have material you developed and you would like it published, then email it to me and I will post them on this page, giving you credit. BUT... I will NOT do so unless you have included reasonable documentation.  See my Contact Me page for more info on what I expect in this.  Bear in mind that I am a full time teacher and I have other demands on my time that are more important!

E-Mail any feedback to me:EMAIL ME

Conditions of use

These aplets are written to help educators and students. The only conditions put on the use of them are:
bulletYou must not modify them without the permission of the author, or present them as being your own work.
bulletYou must not package them and/or distribute them in any fashion, using any means, for commercial gain (not without checking with the author and giving him/her a cut anyway!).
If you want to place any of these aplets on your web site:
bulletplease give the author appropriate credit and let him/her know that you're doing it.
bulletplease include a link to this site or the author's site.  That way if an aplet changes your users will always be able to find the most recent copy.  If you check the links in my table of games you'll see that none of them are mine and this is how I have done it there (I don't write or play games).
Last modified: 19 Dec 2007                                             Sitemap        Home        Contact Me